Sunday, May 20, 2007

(in progress) underpaintings for underhighways

With the car in the shop, I've been working with the dollops of paint I put on my portable palette a week ago. Midweek, I broke down and bought some small tubes of ochre, olive, and white. This afternoon, I scraped my palette clean of the last dried bits of dried blues and red. Makes me judicious with underpaintings. Just charcoal stick and thinned ochre.
The un-turpentine (Gamsol) allows me to use the charcoal almost like a paint. I'll be generous with paint on the top layers... Most of these paintings will be dark, so I want to do my best to get those curves and planes right.
These highway shots are from a spot where we often get stuck in SF-bound traffic. An unexpected benefit of the parking-lot effect, is a look at these shapes. I love how the highway arches up from the footings - like a beast pushing up into a good stretch.

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