Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dec 25th ! Baby Kib


Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Congratulations!!!! It's a boys yes? He's GORGEOUS!!!! I am so excited for you guys--been checking blog everyday for news but didn't want to bug you. How are you doing?? I want to hear all the details when you get time. How's the feeding? The sleeping? You're headspace? Oh oh oh!!! I'm so excited (oh I already said that didn't I?) xxx much love to all. Name please?

Anonymous said...

oh what joy! a starbeam in your midst! hoping all went well for
you, mum and daddo too...
a precious life you have in your
arms and heart forever...
blessed new year now and always!
Peace of the Lord be with you all!

the Lewis Family said...

Robin and Brian - we are so happy for you!! I keep checking the blog everyday to see if you have indulged us readers with any more photos or names or...?!!!
Big hugs
love Lisl