Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April Already?

In February I had aspirations of syncing with Baby's rhythm so that I could make some art here and there. While more sanity has permeated daily life, I am still entrenched in babytown and enjoying it. Ben now takes some naps on his own, and as he gets more interactive (smiling, grabbing, rolling) he is more fun to play with and encourage. Usually it takes two morning espressos to reconcile myself to the beauty of this new life, since the sleep is still pending.
Meanwhile I've made it up to UC Davis once to visit the incoming MFA candidates and peek at the progress of the first years. The '09 class is heavy into production mode - filling up walls, rooms, and ceilings with textile, cardboard, and canvas for the May show. I will definitely keep Ben up past his bedtime for the opening!

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