Monday, January 15, 2007


binder clips on linen
binder clips on linen,
originally uploaded by robin kibby.

Due to the gracious gifting of Aunt Linda, I am trying my hand at painting on linen. Till now, I've worked with cotton canvas, and considered the tan colored cousin for a distant project only. So, yay for new materials.
I've already dug in, starting some new office supply still lifes. I've been contemplating the binder clip for some time, and finally mustered the resolve to tackle portraits of this fine little tool.
While working, I am contemplating the support. Painter's lore says linen lasts much longer than other fabrics, and once you paint on it you will *never* want to revert to lesser materials. Reminded me of other great mysteries of life which must be experienced to be understood: eating fresh sushi, pumpkin pie made from real pumpkin, and singing karaoke in front of other people. But, after a couple days of work, I haven't caught the magic under-brush. Hm, perhaps I will detect something when I make it up to a larger swath of material.
But, the true benefit is that its prettier. The backside of each canvas is a warm tan color, woven tightly, with little textural variations throughout. It makes me want to leave more fabric viewable in the final painting, allowing the texture to become an important part of work rather than something to be obscured in pigment.

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