Friday, May 18, 2007

(in progress) more highways

(in progress)P1050403.JPG
(in progress)P1050403.JPG,
originally uploaded by robin kibby.

after lots of talk and no painting, I take great joy in having pigment under my nails.
Art fair/Open Studios are approaching in June, so I am getting some more tiny paintings together. Their portability and simplicity continue to make these fun to work on.
Still attracted to the highways basic form, and the challenge of making some more easily-readable than others. My first batch had the horizon placed lower on the canvas, more like a traditional landscape. The second round put the viewer under the belly of the highways, looking up. This current batch is more ethereal - I picked compositions that let the cement float through the sky, sometimes unanchored to ground. Of course, my favorite stretch is this highway wiggle. I always love that shape. It's right near the stretch that collapsed in recent weeks.
The work process is fun - 1.) photo out of speeding car, select 1 out of 10 blurry shots, 2.) scale/crop images to actual size (4x4) 3.) edit out peripheral material, scooch things out of the way that interrupt highway lines. The tinies don't benefit from excessive detail. 4.) paint, edit, and paint some more. I am on layer number 3 - trying to force myself to use bigger brushes when possible.

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