Monday, August 27, 2007

Empty easel

Today I spent a few hours restoring acci gallery to its normal display state after their twice-yearly "seconds sale". It's the oldest artist co-op west of the rockies, and its cracked cement floor, brick walls, and warm light endear me to the building.

By the time I arrived, the room was devoid of the discount crafts and textiles. White-papered folding tables topped with cinderblock shelves needed breaking down. We compacted this into a small storage shed behind the sculpture garden, and re-filled the space with the normal medley of sun-catching color. Still feeling like a new member at ACCI (even after 2 years), it was a good time to learn about the craft of my fellow member-artists. 2 hours stacking, tilting, and arranging colored glass and clay in cubbies did the trick.

Last year I worked the "seconds sale" event and watched Berkeleyans enthusiastically fill baskets with plates, vases, and mugs. They stocked up and came back for more. This venue is a great place to display and sell work that can be stacked, worn, or tossed in a dishwasher.

Not so great for 2-d work so far.

With art venues on my mind, I sat down at the computer. Ran across emptyeasel, which feature some reviews of sales on digi-art sites. I've offered cards and prints at Etsy for a while, and am curious about alternatives. So far, nothing beats hanging a show and making the sale myself.

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